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Public Comment

Gifts from clients

Proposed Formal Opinion Interim No. 08-0001 interprets California Rules of Professional Conduct 1-100(B)(2) and 4-400 and states that an attorney violates rule 4-400 if he or she demonstrates, by words or conduct, an intent to cause a client to give the attorney a substantial gift.

Resignation with charges pending

Proposed amendments to California Rule of Court 9.21 would require a member who resigns with charges pending to waive confidentiality of any disciplinary or Client Security Fund matter pending against the member, and clarifies the membership status of members if a resignation is rejected by the California Supreme Court.

Fee waivers

The proposal would amend the Rules of the State Bar to eliminate four reasons — medical hardship; $20,000 income; one-time only; and staff error — a member can have bar dues waived.

MCLE expungement

Proposed amendment to California Rule of Court 9.6 would permit a one-time only expungement of an isolated incident of MCLE involuntary inactive enrollment in certain circumstances.

Admissions rules

Proposed amendments to the Rules Regulating Admission to Practice Law in California would to ensure clarity regarding the intention of the rules and accurately reflect current policies, procedures and needs.