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Emily AldrichOnline mentorship for new lawyers that’s available 24/7

There’s a new online resource for young lawyers in California. In the 10 Minute Mentor video series, experienced practitioners provide their insight on basic lawyering skills and knowledge. “The videos kind of bring it to life,” said Emily Aldrich, chair of the board of the California Young Lawyers Association.

Q&A: Unbundling attorney fees

Limited-scope representation of clients, known as “unbundling,” has been touted as one way to assist those who can’t afford legal representation. The Bar Journal’s Amy Yarbrough spoke with Seth Davidson, a Torrance lawyer, about how he incorporated unbundling into his practice.

Graphic: Complaints against judges

The Commission on Judicial Performance handled more than 1,000 complaints against California judges in 2014. Find out which kinds of cases drew the most grumbles.

State Bar launches search for general counsel

Applications are due May 22 for attorneys to apply for the job of the bar’s general counsel. The general counsel reports to the Board of Trustees and provides legal advice and representation to the board and the bar’s management staff.

Guest column: Ethics rules revision commission wants to hear from you

Justice Lee Edmon, chair of the Commission for the Revision of the Rules of Professional Conduct, writes about how you can have a say in the rules that all California lawyers must follow.

Take a poll: How important was mentoring in your early career as a lawyer?