Erwin Chemerinsky, dean of the University of California
Irvine School of Law, offers a roundup of key cases from the U.S. Supreme
Court’s recently completed term.
A former therapist, Alameda County Superior Court’s Sue
Alexander was appointed to carry out AB 1058, groundbreaking legislation that
changed how child support is collected in the state. She’s being recognized for
her work with the Aranda Access to Justice Award. She is the first commissioner
to receive the award.
A somber outlook for those nearing retirement prompted the
State Bar to offer a series of fall workshops to help lawyers map out their
financial future.
The Board of Trustees has chosen Los Angeles attorney Craig
Holden to be its next president. The incoming vice president will be Heather
Linn Rosing of San Diego and the incoming treasurer will be Michael Colantuono
of Penn Valley.
Three elected and two appointed members will take the oath
of office next month at the State Bar Annual Meeting. They are: Danette
Elizabeth Meyers of Los Angeles, Heather Linn Rosing of San Diego, Janet Lee
Brewer of Palo Alto, James P. Fox of San Mateo and Terrance W. Flanigan of
Drawing once again from the ranks of academia, Gov. Jerry
Brown nominated Mariano-Florentino Cuéllar to the California Supreme Court. The
Stanford law professor and Mexican immigrant is poised to succeed Justice
Marvin R. Baxter in January.
It’s not often that California’s Supreme Court justices can
be seen dueling with pistols at dawn. But the State Bar’s Annual Meeting Sept.
11-14 in San Diego will feature colorful performances from the justices – all
in the name of theater and history.