Agreement lays out plan for the end of a practice
By Amy Yarbrough
Staff Writer
It was enough to make even a seasoned investigator squirm.
Left to sort out the corrupt criminal practice of an
attorney who had been determined to be mentally unfit, the State Bar found
itself in possession of hundreds of his clients’ files. Housed for several
months in an 8-by-10 shipping container in the bar’s Los Angeles parking lot,
the files were so infested with bugs and rat droppings they had to be
decontaminated by a hazardous materials crew before they could even be returned
to clients.
Few situations rise to such an extreme level. But even eight
years later, the story serves as a vivid example of a persistent problem: attorneys
failing to have a plan in place for their practice in the event of their
incapacity or death.
To help resolve the problem, the bar’s governing body, then
known as the Board of Governors, approved a sample surrogacy agreement in 2010
that allows attorneys to appoint a successor to wind down their practice should
something happen to them.
Current Board of Trustees President Patrick Kelly said there
are plenty of good reasons why attorneys, particularly sole practitioners,
should have a plan in place. Still, he worries that many aren’t aware of the
agreements or don’t feel they need one.
“Look at the alternative if they don’t. The
files could end up as part of a delayed court proceeding,” he said. “At least
with our program there’s an orderly process.”
While it’s not a legal obligation, “certainly there is a
moral obligation,” Kelly added.
When a lawyer dies or becomes disabled without having made
plans for the future of his or her practice, the bar sometimes seeks a state
Superior Court order to take over their practice to collect case files and
return them to clients.
In typical situations, an attorney will have a bookkeeper.
But some attorneys “keep it in their heads and now they’re gone,” said Deputy
Chief Trial Counsel Joseph Carlucci. In those cases, the bar must bring in a
forensic auditor to sort out the paper trail.
“Everyone should have a plan in place, just like everyone
should have a will,” Carlucci said. “We have had situations where it is a mess.
While it’s difficult to say how many attorneys have made use
of the sample surrogacy agreement, recent rough figures give a snapshot of those who
In 2012, the State Bar’s San Francisco and Los Angeles offices
received at least 73 calls about attorneys who had passed away without an
apparent plan for their practice in place and 19 about incapacitated attorneys.
The State Bar had to assume control of three of those law practices.
The numbers were similar for 2011: 73 calls about deceased
attorneys, 11 about incapacitated attorneys and six assumptions of practices.
With the sample agreement, an attorney can designate a
successor who can go to court to be appointed the practice administrator. Per
the agreement, that person would then be allowed to open mail, become a signatory
on bank accounts, pay bills and handle funds and accept the attorney’s client
cases, among other duties. That person would also have the power to sell the
For more information on surrogacy agreements or to download
a sample contract, go to the State Bar’s website’s Attorney Surrogacy page.