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MCLE Self-Assessment Test

Changes coming in 2017 with new fee system

By Psyche Pascual
Staff Writer

Although the amount State Bar members will be charged in their 2017 fee statements isn’t set yet, the final amount as well as other changes are indeed coming.

Update your email address: Make sure your contact information, particularly a working email address for State Bar communications (this may be different from your public email), are up to date on My State Bar Profile.

Whether you are an active or inactive attorney, here are some previews of what is to come and tips to make the whole process smoother.

Credit Card Fees
FYI: A plan to recoup credit card processing fees is up for public comment. Recovered funds will be used in the discipline system.

1.      Attorneys will be able to download a fee statement and see their electronic bills online.

The State Bar of California has submitted a request to the California Supreme Court asking the court to grant the authority to collect attorney fees. Officials expect to get an answer by the end of November.

The bar will make it easier for attorneys to access their electronic bills online. When it is launched, you can access your bill when you sign onto My State Bar Profile.

2.      Attorneys will be able to download and print out a paper bar card.

Many attorneys use their bar cards to get access to secured courthouses and as proof of identity to new clients. But even if you don’t use it often, you don’t need to wait for the new version.

Attorneys don't have to wait for the plastic card in the mail – you can get one instantly once your fees are paid by printing it out. If you really need a plastic card issued by the State Bar, you can still request one through the Member Services Center.

3.      Firms and agencies will be able to pay State Bar fees for multiple attorneys online by creating an agency billing account and listing all of the firm’s attorneys.

For the first time, the State Bar is creating a one-stop shop for firms to pay annual fees for all or some of their attorneys.

This will help an office manager create one group payment and individual attorney payments through a new online agency billing tool on the State Bar website.

It will also generate invoices, lists of attorneys in the firm by branch or office location, add and subtract donations on the member and firm level and add a section for section fees.

Managers at the firm can also track a history of payments made through the firm’s online account.

4.      Active attorneys will still have to file Minimum Continuing Legal Education (MCLE) reports by the Feb. 1 deadline.

On Dec. 1, attorneys will be notified by email that their MCLE compliance reports are due by Feb. 1, 2017. All attorneys in Group 3 (with last names beginning with N to Z) – except those on inactive status – report compliance online through My State Bar Profile.

For more information on these developments, contact the Member Services Center at 888-800-3400 or

For more information about the State Bar's fee request, see the latest announcement from the California Supreme Court.