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Martin HoshinoQ&A: New director defines goals for Judicial Council

Martin N. Hoshino joined the Judicial Council as its administrative director last fall. Read about his approach to the job and how lawyers can play a role in the betterment of the branch.

Uncontested candidate from Bakersfield wins board seat

A Kern County prosecutor will join the State Bar Board of Trustees in the fall, along with the winner of an election in District 4. Attorneys in Imperial, Inyo, Orange Riverside, San Bernardino and San Diego counties will receive ballots in January.

Pro bono group calls for award nominations

The Nobel Foundation has its prizes. The movie industry has the Oscars, and the State Bar of California features awards for its own standout pro bono performers: the President’s Pro Bono and the Loren Miller Legal Services awards.

Problems surge in latest MCLE audit

More lawyers had trouble with this year’s MCLE audit. Find out why one in four of those audited had problems and see a graphic of the audit results for the last four years.

State auditor to conduct review of State Bar

The bar is working with the California State Auditor on an independent examination of the bar to ensure its members and the public that there is oversight and accountability.